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Text Book

Text Book

Regular price ¥2,000,000
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silkscreen on paper, hardcover (300 pages)
h: 27, w: 38, d: 6.5 cm (150 sheets)
ed. 5


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This work was conceived in the mid-1990s as a "book" that reads the colors that appear as you turn the pages. 150 squares and circles of colored surfaces and colors were rigorously planned by the artist and silk-screen printed, one color at a time. After many years of planning, it was finally completed!
This work was exhibited in the group exhibition "The Realm of the Senses: Experiencing Now" at the National Museum of Art, Osaka (2022.2.8 - 5.22).

*A prototype of this plan, "Text Book," a sheet work consisting of 60 colored surfaces, was produced in 1995.


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